Analytical Psychology is a school of depth psychology founded by Carl Gustav Jung. It takes into account the influence of the unconscious on behaviors, beliefs, choices, interpersonal relationships, and emotional states. There is a real but invisible connection between the unconscious and conscious life. The symptoms and suffering that lead us to seek help (depression, anxiety, phobias, interpersonal conflicts, psychosomatic symptoms, among others), are significant manifestations of conflicts between our deepest needs and our outer life. This division steals our energy and leaves us with a sense of meaninglessness, which cannot be overcome with advice from others or with self-determination alone. Knowing ourselves and making decisions in accordance with our truth is the way to go. We cannot change anything we don’t know, so one of the goals is to bring to consciousness conflicts, needs and potentialities, which being unconscious, are not being considered. The unconscious, according to Analytical Psychology, is a space of conflicts but also of resources, containing healing capacities and creative potentials that are waiting to be activated. This exploration is done in the context of a deep and confidential relationship between client and therapist.