I was born in Portugal, a land of discoverers where the sea was the door to the new and the unknown. After 8 years of a professional life as a Naval Architect and Engineer, I discovered that my passion was working with people, so I decided to change my professional life, trying to find a better match between who I am and what I do. During my training as a clinical psychologist, I found in Carl Gustav Jung and his Analytical Psychology the compass that guides me in this work of discovering and mapping the inner world, inspired by the Portuguese explorers from the past centuries. Since then, I have been discovering and exploring its applications in psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, leadership, personal development and team building.
My greatest passion is to help people increase their self-awareness and to witness their natural gifts unfold and blossom, impacting their personal, relational and professional lives.
I now live in Switzerland (since November 2013) after having lived 3 years in England and I am one of the founding members of the Portuguese Society of Analytical Psychology (SPPA).